Stylists would put Hillary's hair on their to-do list
Hillary Clinton Debuts a New Hairstyle
Photo: Patrick McMullan
The big political news this week is not that Hillary Clinton might be our next secretary of State. It's that she unveiled a new hairstyle for the first time since her bid for the Democratic nomination. The Telegraph spoke to Laura and Barbara Bush's hairstylist, who says Hillary shouldn't have matched her headband to her hair, and that she looks like she's about to wash her face (we kind of agree — she could go straight from the gala to a table at Bliss for an extraction with that thing). The Telegraph also postures that she's channeling Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko with her yellow braided milkmaid-esque headband. "[I]t could be bad timing to imitate the distinctive look when Tymoshenko's political future is uncertain — elections are next month — and her reign is marred by a bitter rift with Ukrainian President Yushchenko," the paper adds. Oh, why make it so complicated? She's obviously just been watching a little too much Gossip Girl.
Hillary Clinton's New Hairstyle
Clinton's poufier new 'do. Photo: Tony Karumba, AFP/Getty Images.
But we couldn't help but notice her voluminous hair at a recent press conference in Kenya. Clinton's hair had been blown-out with a little extra body -- a noticeable change from the flatter looks she's been sporting of late.
The StyleList staff is divided on the look. Some like the change, and others still feel her hair is too short and aging.
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Hillary Clinton
* Secrecy of Clinton nuptials fuels buzz
Although many of the details about Chelsea Clinton's wedding remain speculative, Columbus-area hairstylists put stock in one bit of guessing
regarding the mother of the bride: Hillary Clinton is growing her hair out for a ceremony-appropriate up-do.
"It was the first thing I thought about when I saw her on the news (recently)," said Jacob Neal, owner of Jacob Neal Salon, 650 N. High St.
As first lady and during her own presidential-campaigning days, Clinton kept her hair short. More recently, though, she has been sporting a look that
sits just above the shoulders.
Putting themselves in the shoes of Clinton's stylist, Neal and two other Columbus-area hair experts detailed how they'd guide the secretary of state
for the big day.
Describing Clinton's hair as hard- and stiff-looking, Neal said he would give her soft curls at the sides of her face and around the temples as well
as wispy bangs - and pull the rest back in a full up-do.
"It looks like it's all one length," he said, "so when I pulled it up, I would make sure there's some texture."
Christine Robinson of Kenneth's Hair Salon and Day Spa on Morse Road said she'd favor a "half-up, half-down" style.
She'd make soft curls all over Clinton's head, she said. Then she'd pin some up and leave lower strands down to give Clinton's hair the volume she is
Glam Media - 23rd July 2010
Chelsea Clinton, Straight or Curly Wedding Hair?
trying to achieve but hasn't yet managed by simply letting it grow.
"With the length of her hair," Robinson said, "she really can't get it all up."
Molly Curtis of Charles Penzone's Grand Salon in Gahanna said Clinton's heavy-on-the-hairspray style of the 1960s needs to be more "tousled and messy."
She agreed with Robinson that Clinton's hair isn't long enough for a full up-do, but she'd make it work by using extensions.
She'd opt for a modern look featuring side-swoop bangs and a chignon (a knotted, messy bun).
Because of the status of the wedding, she said, Clinton's choice might differ from traditional mother-of-the-bride styles.
"Mothers typically do an everyday style - just more refined. It's more classy, clean, understated."
Regardless of the look Clinton chooses, Neal, Robinson and Curtis all agree on what she should do with her hair after next Saturday:
Get rid of the length.
"As soon as the wedding is over, I hope she cuts it off," Neal said. "I don't think it really suits her."
Hillary clinton hairstyle video
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